This is a half day event covering Financial Remedy and Private Law Children. 

Katherine will look at all of the main practice areas, including:-


Capital, debts, pensions, periodical payments and any new case law including the recent decision of Standish.

Katherine will also consider practice points for these areas such as non disclosure, valuations and expert reports. Katherine will look at the effect of the new FPR 2010 R 3A on Non Court Dispute Resolution and how it is being applied, and even the new phenomenon of digital manipulation of evidence.

Private Law Children:

In the second half, Katherine will consider private law children. Again, Katherine will look at the recent cases which are making a splash, consider the current trends and practice points for running an effective case and assisting clients. 

There will be a deep dive into Older Teens, and how practitioners deal with them as subject children in private law cases: options for outside court support, longer term orders, when there should be a Guardian appointed and even the teen giving evidence in a fact finding or similar. Inevitably Katherine will consider these topics through the lens of domestic abuse and alienating behaviours.

There is no public law content in this course but there will be lots of opportunity for interaction and questions and answers throughout.

Event Feedback:

"Enjoyed it all – very informative and didn’t feel like a lecture" – Solicitor, Lanyon Bowdler

"Great venue, presenter and food" – Partner, Painters Law

"Fantastic presenter, Venue and duration" – Solicitor, Partridge Allen

This is a course for those who are specialist family practitioners.

It will be accessible to all levels of qualification but the practitioner who will benefit the most should have a practice which is predominantly or wholly family law based.

The delegates should leave feeling up to date on all the major current themes and with a working understanding of the most significant cases in financial remedy and private law children and some good practice points to assist in solving case load solutions.

This face-to-face training course consists of a presentation on the day, printed and digital lecture notes to refer to during and after the event.

You will be able to actively listen to the course and ask questions to the speaker on the day, and interact with sponsors.

Maximise learning whilst spending minimal time away from your desk. This half-day conference provides you with 4 hours of learning.

Attendees will receive a certificate of completion after the event closure.

Arrival at 12pm for lunch, the masterclass begins at 12:30pm and ends at 4:30pm.

The £79 +VAT ticket price includes 4 hours of CPD at the event, a sandwich lunch upon arrival and a tea & coffee break in the afternoon. You will also have access to CPD webinars at, including exclusive offers from For Legal.

Of course! Once you select the event, you will have the option to select the number of tickets you want to purchase, then you can follow the instructions on screen. Once your payment has been processed, you will then be asked to assign the tickets to the delegates attending. Each delegate will then receive an email with instructions on how to finalise their booking.

Simply get in touch with to request an invoice, you will need to let us know which event you are booking and how many attendees you need to book.


11:30 - 12:30
Welcome and Lunch
12:30 - 14:10
A Family Law Update
14:10 - 14:30
Sponsor Talks
14:30 - 14:50
Afternoon Break
14:50 - 16:30
A Family Law Update

Event Information

£79 + VAT

Villa Park Football Stadium,
Villa Park,
B6 6HE
Get directions

The ticket price includes:

  • 4 hours of CPD at the event
  • comprehensive notes
  • additional resources
  • access to free CPD content at
  • a sandwich lunch upon arrival
  • tea & coffee break in the afternoon
There are only 15 tickets remaining, please reduce your required quantity below this number.
  • Katharine Bundell

    About the speaker

    Katharine Bundell

    Katharine read law at Cambridge University, practised out of Middle Temple initially in general common law and property, and later moved back out to East Anglia. Katharine specialises in family law: finances, private law children and trusts of land. Lectures for MBL, Lawnet and For Media Group, Resolution and various local legal groups.

    Published Financial Provision for Children under Schedule 1 Children Act in 2019. Family Law Bar Association Regional Chair for East Anglia.

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