A 4 hour recording of our half-day masterclass, packed full of insights and updates from leading speaker Katharine Bundell of 4PB, sponsored by LEAP.
This recording provides family practitioners with a comprehensive review of current issues in Financial Remedy and Private Family Law, including:-
Finances: Katharine starts with an amble through capital, a slight incline through pensions and PAG 2 and downhill with periodical payments. Katharine looks at the main cases directing the Courts and any new case law including the recent decision of Standish.
The following practice points are also considered: the effect of the new FPR on Non Court Dispute Resolution and the cases on how it is being applied, and how you can deal with digital manipulation of evidence.
Katharine finishes with finances with a shallow dive into non-disclosure, expert and share valuations.
Private Law Children: Again, Katharine looks at the recent cases which are making a splash, and considers the current trends and practice points. There is also a deep dive into Older Teens, and how you deal with them as subject children in private law cases: options for outside court support, longer term orders, when there should be a Guardian appointed and even the teen giving evidence in a fact finding or similar.
Who this is for:
This is a course for those who are specialist family practitioners.
Level of expertise:
It will be accessible to all levels of qualification but the practitioner who will benefit the most should have a practice which is predominantly or wholly family law based.
Learning outcomes:
The delegates should leave feeling up to date on all the major current themes and with a working understanding of the most significant cases in financial remedy and private law children and some good practice points to assist in solving case load solutions.
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Katharine Bundell
Barrister-at-Law • 4PB Chambers
Katharine read law at Cambridge University, practised out of Middle Temple initially in general common law and property, and later moved back out to East Anglia. Katharine specialises in family law: finances, private law children and trusts of land. Lectures for MBL, Lawnet and For Media Group, Resolution and various local legal groups.
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