Criminal Law Updates from November and December 2023

Criminal Law Updates from November and December 2023
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  • 31m
  • All Levels
  • Released 15th Jan 2024
  • Colin Beaumont
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This presentation is the 11th in what will be a monthly presentation examining important documents that Colin has been reading in a given month – Colin shall choose documents of relevance and importance to anyone involved in the area of criminal law – each presentation will last for 30 minutes and will give you the ‘distilled essence’ of the documents considered – all of the actual documents will also be available for you to read at your leisure as part of the presentation material provided.

The material will be hugely relevant to anyone involved in the area of criminal law – you may be a defence lawyer – you may be a prosecution lawyer – you may be a legal adviser to magistrates’.

Learning objectives:

This presentation will cover 7 documents in total – here are just 3 examples of the things you will learn about:

1 – A document published by the College of Policing giving guidance to police officers as to how they should exercise their powers

2 – Statutory Instrument 2023 No. 1091 – Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to be made a Class C controlled drug

3 – A document published by the Legal Aid Agency – Police Station Register Arrangements 2001 (Accredited Representatives)


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Colin Beaumont

Managing Director • Legal Eagle Training Limited

Colin Beaumont graduated in law in 1981 and qualified as a Barrister in 1982. Colin spent many years advising magistrates before re-qualifying as a solicitor in 1996 and spending 20 years as a solicitor practising/advising on defence work. Colin has been involved in teaching the profession (both solicitors and barristers) for more than 25 years, and continues to do so.

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